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Economic, Environmental and Social

Production 78 is aware of the impact it’s events have economically,

environmentally and socially.


In addition, we are committed to reducing the use of resources

and cutting the cost our events have on these three dimensions.

Economic Sustainability at Production 78


Events come in all shapes and sizes. From rock concerts to the Olympic Games. The annual meeting of an association of small and medium-sized enterprises, to international trade fairs. A village barbeque to raise money for a school outing, to a political summit of global leaders.


Events can be “just for a good time” (and there’s nothing wrong with that!), or they can provide the occasion for the signing of international treaties or commercial contracts, achieving sporting records, or creating understanding between different communities, countries and cultures.


However, there can be a downside to events. The “great time we had today” can leave an aftermath of problems for tomorrow. When people get together, particularly in large numbers, they can put a strain on local resources such as water and energy, and create significant waste, or tensions related to culture or sheer proximity with neighbouring communities.


An added challenge is the number of different partners and suppliers involved in organising and servicing an event. In response, at Production 78 we have developed tools to address these challenges.


Whether it is supporting local businesses when purchasing or servicing our events, sourcing sustainable products and services, reducing waste, reducing fuel usage and mileage, and reducing electricity usage in line with our ISO14001 Environmental Management Certification, or responsibly engaging with local residents and communities throughout our events, Production 78 is committed to tackling the event industry’s challenges in all three dimensions and achieving positive results in the implementation of sustainability, at all stages of our supply chain.

Production 78's ISO14001 Environmental Management Certfication Logo
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Website ©2023 Production 78 Limited

T. 029 2143 2171

T. 020 3598 9651

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